ORG610: Nonprofit Program Planning and Evaluation

In this course, you will learn and implement the process of nonprofit program design and evaluation. You will learn how to develop the program’s theory of change, its corresponding logic model, and the means by which you will monitor, evaluate, and improve your program. Part 1 focuses on the theory of change, which is the comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. Part 2 focuses on the logic model, which is a graphic depiction that presents the shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact for your program. Part 3 focuses on the process of developing an effective and actionable evaluation and improvement plan.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  1. Summarize the purposes of program planning and evaluation.
  2. Elaborate upon the interconnected relationship of the Theory of Change, Logic Model, and Evaluation Plan in program planning and evaluation.
  3. Develop a detailed assessment of your participants’ needs and a plan to assess client needs and capabilities in the future.
  4. Apply knowledge of components of program development through the creation of a program theory of change, logic model, and evaluation plan.
  5. Incorporate appropriate measurement, monitoring, and evaluation systems that inform program decision making and stakeholder engagement.


Course Materials & Tuition

Foundation, W. K. (2004). WK Kellogg Foundation logic model development guide . WK Kellogg Foundation. Free
Kettner, P.M., Moroney, R.M., & Martin, L.L. (2016). Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-based Approach (5th edition). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc. 288 pg. ISBN: 978-1483388304. $27.99
Total Cost of Course$827.99