Apply For A Business License Roseville, California

Are you looking for information about opening a business in Roseville, California?

To open a business in Roseville, California, you will need to apply for and be issued a business license from the Finance and Licensing Division of the City of Roseville. An application can be obtained from the Finance and Licensing Division at 311 Vernon Street or by downloading and printing one from the City of Roseville website. To discuss zoning clearance, you will need to contact the Planning and Redevelopment Department by calling (916) 774-5276. They can determine if you need clearance.

Do you plan to operate a Roseville business from your home?

A home occupation clearance will be needed in addition to your business license if you wish to use your home as a base for your business activities. The application can be printed from the City of Roseville website, or you can request one in person from the Planning and Redevelopment Department.

The Roseville home occupation clearance requests information on the use of your home as a business base, a detailed description of your business activities, and has several “yes or no” questions pertaining to the business you plan to conduct. Some questions found on the application include whether you will be holding music or instructional lessons on your premises, if you plan to store any materials or equipment outside of your home, whether your home occupation will create any type of noise pollution, or dust greater than what is normally found in a residential area, etc.

The Roseville home occupation clearance application outlines all the conditions associated with operating a home business according to the Zoning Ordinance Section 19.42. You will need to be familiar with this ordinance and be in complete compliance with it or you will risk your home occupation clearance being denied or revoked.

Do you need to obtain separate Roseville licenses or permits to open your business?

If you plan to operate a business of a certain nature, you may need to apply for additional licenses or permits at the local, state, or federal level. If you plan to serve alcohol, you may need to contact the Alcoholic Beverage Control department to apply for a liquor license. If you plan to employ any person besides yourself at your place of business, you could need to contact the IRS to procure a FEIN (federal employer’s ID number). If you plan to handle food or various materials, you may want to get in touch with the health department to discuss whether you will need a health inspection or permit. These are a few examples of many instances where you may be required to obtain separate, additional licenses. If there is any doubt whether you need additional licenses or permits, do not hesitate to call the Roseville Finance and Licensing Department early in your business licensure process, as you will be unable to operate your business until all these licenses and permits are in place.

What information will you need in order to apply for a Roseville business license?

There is a lot of information that is necessary to apply for a business license, including but not limited to some of the following items:

  1. Business name
  2. Start date of your business
  3. A physical address for your business (no PO box)
  4. Mailing address if different from physical address of your business
  5. Business phone number, email address, and an alternative phone number
  6. If applicable: state sales tax number, FEIN, state ID number, state license number, state license type and expiration date
  7. Ownership type, whether partnership, trust, non-profit, sole owner, LLC, or corporation
  8. Current home address, (not a PO box), social security number, valid driver’s license number, home and cell phone number for all owners
  9. Emergency contact information including home and cell phone numbers
  10. If applicable, the number of rental units you plan to rent
  11. Estimate of annual gross receipts
  12. Signature that you are providing only true and complete information, that you agree to comply with all regulations and that you will renew your business license annually on December 31st

Are there fees associated with applying for a Roseville business license?

Yes, there are fees that you will be expected to pay annually. The Finance and Licensing Department can help you to calculate your business license fees. You can contact them at (916) 774-5310.

Do you need more information?

You can contact the Licensing Division at (916) 774-5310 or visit the office in person at 311 Vernon Street in Roseville. The City of Roseville website has a wealth of useful information as well.

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